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A graphic for Cubicure's Cerion being highly commended by the TCT Awards. It shows the TCT Awards and the Cubicure logo as well as the Awards' logo for their polymer systems award. The text reads: Highly commended. TCT Hardware Award. Polymer systems. 8 June | Hilton Metropole, Birmingham, UK | #TCTAwards.

Cerion® highly commended by TCT

Each year, the world's leading authority on additive manufacturing TCT honors outstanding 3D printing innovations. Cubicure's Cerion® 3D printing system was Highly Commended in the polymer systems category by the Expert Advisory Board at the TCT Awards 2022.

Two men in suits and two women stand in front of a poster of Industry 4.0 Austria. The two women are holding a certificate for the Special Award of the ÖWGP Future Award 2021.

Future Award for 3D printed ivory

DI Thaddäa Rath of TU Wien and Dr. Konstanze Seidler of Cubicure GmbH received a special award for their research on the ivory replacement Digory. The photopolymer is processed using a 3D printing system. It is used primarily for the sustainable restoration of antiques.

A representative of the WKO presents the CEO of Cubicure with the Export Award 2020 in bronze. Two employees stand next to them. They are all wearing FFP2 masks.

Bronze in the WKO's Export Award 2020

Cubicure is one of the most successful export companies in Austria. An independent jury awarded Cubicure GmbH with the Export Award 2020 for Trade and Crafts in bronze. The WKO export prize is awarded to companies whose international commitment drives growth, prosperity and employment in Austria.

Das Logo für die Listung als eines der führenden Unternehmen Österreichs 2020 im Rahmen des Preises "Austria's Leading Companies".

Cubicure awarded as one of Austria’s top companies

The ALC award is among the most important business awards in Austria. The award is granted by Die Presse, KSV1870 and PwC Österreich. The participants’ business performance over the last three years represents the database for the award decision. Cubicure was granted place nine of all companies listed in Vienna – category: up to ten million Euro turnover/year.