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Industry 4.0: Cubicure voted Top 4 of innovating start-ups

Cubicure was selected from over 200 stereolithography startups globally

A map which shows the top 4 start-ups in the stereolithography sector. In February 2020, StartUs Insights analyzed 236 start-ups in relation to their impact on Industry 4.0. The global top 4 companies: Cubicure, Nexa3D, MAT3D and Peopoly.
According to an analysis by StartUs Insights, Cubicure spearheads a global movement of innovative start-ups.

Vienna, July 27, 2020. Startus INSIGHTS analyzed 236 stereolithography (SLA) startups from all over the world in a study to evaluate their industry 4.0 potential: Cubicure was selected as one of the best available solutions for SLA.

Industry 4.0 and additive manufacturing

The fourth industrial revolution is in the making and deals with the connection of data-based computer systems and the real-world manufacturing environment. Wherever this connection is being achieved, a variety of new optimization methods gets unlocked to further increase the efficiency of production: AI starts to support production logistics, humans find new ways to interact with complex machinery and individualized mass production is about to arise.

Additive manufacturing (AM) systems – also known as 3D printing - are ideal processes to close the gap between the digital and physical world. Lithographic AM processes use light information and light energy to create three-dimensional objects. Their light engines are fed by pure digital information and thus such systems are the most direct way of digital production. There is no more need for tools or molds as the geometric information is directly translated into the physical matter. By doing so, it becomes possible to create new shapes and innovative parts in a very short time and without significant financial risk. Even individualized parts can be produced in an industrial scale. With the help of automated data processing systems, humanity, for the first time ever, can realize individualized mass production of parts and products of various use.

Cubicure becomes one of the top SLA companies globally

Cubicure entwickelt neuartige lithographische 3D-Druckverfahren für Kunststoffe und Komposit-Materialien. Die zugrunde liegende Hot Lithography Technologie erlaubt erstmals die Verarbeitung von Hochleistungskunststoffen in Licht-basierten 3D-Druckverfahren und unterstützt dadurch den Einzug solcher Drucktechnologien in die industrielle Fertigung. Neben dem Prozess Knowhow stellt das Wiener Unternehmen auch bereits eines der größten Photopolymer Entwicklerteams der Welt: nach bedeutenden Erfolgen der TU Wien im Bereich der Photopolymerchemie der letzten Jahrzehnte, kann dieses Knowhow nun vermehrt in der additiven Fertigungsindustrie ausgebaut werden. Cubicure ist von der engen Verbindung zwischen Kunststoffen und dem zum Einsatz kommenden 3D-Druckprozess überzeugt und stellt der Industrie ganzheitliche Lösungen zur Verfügung. Kunden in Europa, Nordamerika und Asien sowie „startus INSIGHTS“ sind von diesem Ansatz überzeugt. Das Cubicure Team sagt DANKE!

Cubicure GmbH develops, produces and distributes industrial 3D printing solutions for polymer parts. With roots in academia and the ambition to help shape the digital future of manufacturing, this Vienna-based company has been setting the course for agile production since 2015. Their Hot Lithography process enables the unprecedented additive manufacturing of resilient high-precision components.