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MERCUR ´16: Start-up Star

Die Geschäftsführer von Cubicure, des Siegerunternehmens des MERCUR '16 in der Kategorie Start-up Star, halten ihre Preise und lächeln. Neben ihnen stehen zwei Vertreter der Wirtschaftskammer Wien.

Once a year, the Vienna Economic Chamber awards the most innovate companies in Vienna with the MERCUR award. All 106 submitted projects were subjected to a strict jury evaluation of the Institute of Industrial Science. Cubicure prevailed in the final against 20 other companies and secured the MERCUR Innovation Prize 2016 in the category "Start-up Star Vienna".

Press release Economic Chamber Vienna:
Cubicure GmbH with “Hot Lithography – high-performance polymers for additive manufacturing”.
High-performance materials and composite structures are of high importance for the industry. Cubicure succeeded in developing new photopolymer materials for the currently most precise additive manufacturing technology. Furthermore, for optimum use of these new materials, a special 3D-printing process was developed. The manufactured parts have all geometric quality features of precision-injection-molded parts. With its developments, Cubicure opened new fields of application for additive manufacturing, enabling new opportunities for industry 4.0. The start-up is a spin-off of the TU Wien. (WKO)


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